HLTH 2021 is the preeminent event designed for the health industry, bringing together senior leaders to solve healthcare’s most pressing problems and realize the most promising opportunities to create health’s future.
Good to see some of these events started happening as "in-person" event. A lot f focus on "shift" in society in general across various disciplines and especially in healthcare & Life Sciences. Pandemic has pushed healthcare systems to its limit. Also, it has accelerated the journey of Digital Health and technology as vehicle to scale.
While there are many great speakers and leaders shared their perspective at the event, I came across one of the interesting blog by Dr. Neel Shah, MD, MPP, Chief Medical Officer, Maven Clinic about "Deploying Digital Health to Build an Equitable, Trustworthy Healthcare System.
One thing which struck me is around Maven Clinic, where Dr. Shah serves as chief medical officer, helped lead the women’s and family health category to a record-breaking fundraising year. And an increasing number of startups have sprung up to address the spectrum of needs across reproductive health services. Blog talks about one of the startup named - "Irth" - as in “Birth without the B for Bias”. Go to their website [https://irthapp.com/].

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